Personal Musings

Her Bee

Her Bee

Spotted a car for my Yorkie.  His name is spelled “Herbie.”

Closed doors

I’m quite familiar with the iconic Alexander Graham Bell quote that “when one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” That’s not completely true. For every situation, there are an equal number of […]


There weren’t many music majors back in college that showed an interest and fervor for writing and how to communicate ideas clearly and concisely. It seems everyone else was worried about technique, repertoire and being the finest performing artist. I always had a different approach. Everything I learned about writing I learned from Samuel Longmire […]

How to listen

Most everything I learned about effectively communicating to others with verbal and non-verbal communication, I learned from Lowell Gish, the former professor and chair of the education department at Baker University. Lowell was the recipient of their Distinguished Faculty Award in 1990. Gish at that time had taught at Baker College for 27 years and […]


While talking with a co-worker this week, she told me that one of the first things that she noticed when she started working here many years ago was the overwhelming lack of communication at all levels of the department. It was interesting to me she shared that since it was ironically one of the first […]


The apostle Peter counseled Christians to show ‘fellow feeling, brotherly affection and compassion.’ The apostle Paul recommended similar sentiments when he exhorted fellow Christians to “rejoice with people who rejoice; weep with people who weep.” What they are talking about is being empathetic to one another. The Greek word rendered “fellow feeling” literally means “to […]

Houston, a driver’s nightmare

What Matt Levin fails to mention in the Value Peguin study is not only is Houston one of the cities for commuting in and out of Houston from the City of Pearland – Government, it also has some of the highest proportional congested roadways and also ranks as some of the most dangerous. Take the […]

Almost twenty

Finished my 19th year at the office, though the first year doesn’t count since my anniversary date is October 1, but I say it’s 19. I was twenty seven when I first started working here and suffice it to say that I am feeling older. I deserve significantly more dignity and respect. After twenty years […]